Somatic Emotional Clearing (SEC)

In our lives, experiences arise often spontaneously without the resources to support them. Our bodies have a directive to survive and when that becomes the primary focus, the body knows just what to do.

The nervous system will set into motion autonomic responses that support our survival during traumatic experiences. Our bodies store parts of these experiences like emotions, memories, sensory input, hormonal responses, and other details, that support our fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response during survival mode.

Somatic Emotional Clearings utilize our felt senses. Our felt sense is a pathway to connect to those previous experiences and the parts that have been stored in support of our survival. Somatic Emotional Clearing allows for the client to invite their awareness to notice these felt senses that are not being recognized due to the ongoing day-to-day navigation required to manage our daily life. Through this connection, the physical, emotional, and mental responses we are navigating can change to support our present rather than the “autopilot” programming from the past driving our daily experiences. The bodily symptoms, emotional states, cognitive behaviors, impaired memories, and faulty perceptions can change. Allowing us to transform the past experiences impacting our quality of life in an often unrecognized way. 

When we move through this check and balance of the nervous system, we gain access to increased energy as we free up the reserves that have been involved in navigating past experiences or traumas in an outdated and inefficient way.  We invite the possibilities of a transformed life that supports our here and now.


Transforming Touch


Dissecting Trauma